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Facing fear

The times in my life I have jumped into the unknown are endless.

New jobs that I had no experience in, new countries I travelled for the first time, new relationships in which I had to open up and show ‘me’ in my totality…

Did I have fear? Yes, I had fear. I felt fear but I wasn't fear. Fear did not define me. Nor does it define you.

Everything we don’t know, is a potential source of fear. If you have done a Master 1 training, you know that by know.

Fear is nothing more than your survival system going in a higher state of alertness in order to protect you. So great, thank you fear, for wanting to take care of me. But I got this…

Befriending fear

When you go into action and you walk with fear, at some point you overcome fear and you surpass fear. You leave fear behind, waiting for the next new occasion you will encounter to show its face. Sometimes even bigger and bolder than before, depending on the size of the jump you are making out of your own comfort zone.

Once you realize why fear is there and what its purpose is, YOU can decide how to deal with it.

Knowing that fear will always pop up on different occasions to fullfill on its purpose, wouldn’t it make more sense to not fight it? To not fear fear?

Now you have gotten that under belt, you have mastered the first level in becoming a more courageous human being.

Second step ?

To become resilient.

Do you stick or quit?

In every new adventure , in every chapter that you’ll encounter in life, you will be triggered, you will get challenged. Those are the moments that define you. Do you stick or do you quit? How much do you want it and how much are you willing to put at stake? When the shit hits the fan, how resilient are you truly?

See, we are willing to put a stake a lot when it comes to the lives of the ones we hold dear. Our parents, our kids, siblings, … but what about the most important person in our lives? What are we truly willing to put at stake for our own happiness? For the fulfilment of our own dreams and visions? Independent of the opinions of our environment.

When it comes to YOUR dreams, can you make it about you and still act, with fear ?

And keep going, independent of the setbacks, the critics, the breakdowns?

If the answer is yes, you just mastered level 2.

Now all that is left is resourcefulness.

Becoming a creator

Similar to resilience, resourcefulness is not to be found in state of fear.

Resourcefulness is a state in which true creators live.

It’s that moment where once falls down, when fear kicks in and wants you to withdraw and you ask yourself: 'What solution haven’t I thought of yet?'

And you get back on the saddle, back in the arena. You do not only overcome fear. You overcome yourself. You become unstoppable.

When being eye to eye with fear, no matter what the occasion, it is not the one that is physically the strongest, the most popular or the one that has the financial means, … it’s the one that stands his ground incorruptibly, fully aligned and surrendered to his vision that says: “You shall not pass!”

Photo credits: NordWood Themes on Unsplash

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